Published data

Open data is critical for reproducible research and promoting scientific collaboration. We have published many large fisheries datasets from the Great Lakes and inland temperate lakes.

Koenigbauer, S.T., Z.S. Feiner, B. Dickinson, S. Shaw, Z. Almeida, M. DuFour, A. Gatch, C. Schraidt, and T.O. Hook. 2024. Data for: Egg size scales negatively with system size in a periodic fish species. Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/A420-R024.

Feiner, Z.S., M. Barta, G. Sass, J. Reed, T. Cichosz, A. Shultz, and M. Luehring. 2023. Walleye spawning, ice phenology, and covariate data for Upper Midwestern Lakes: 1939-2019. Environmental Data Initiative.

Foley, C.J., Z.S. Feiner, and T.O. Hook. 2021. Dataset for Spatial Patterns in Dry Weight of Nearshore Lake Michigan Prey Fishes. Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/5R2C-EN42.

Coulter, D.A., Z.S. Feiner, A.A. Coulter, and M.W. Diebel. 2022. Current and Predicted Future Environmental Conditions for 38 Wisconsin, USA rivers. ver 1. NRM Departmental Data Sets. 5.

Foley, C.J., T.O. Hook, Z.S. Feiner, and S. Czesny. 2018. Trophic indicator data for fishes collected from nearshore Lake Michigan in 2010. Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/R7DJ5CW0.

Feiner, Z.S., S. Chong, C. Knight, T. Lauer, M. Thomas, J. Tyson, and T.O. Hook. 2015. Rapidly shifting maturation schedules following reduced commercial harvest in a freshwater fish. Version 2.0. Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/R7V69GJV.

Public speaking

We share our science with a wide range of audiences and settings. Find a few recorded talks on everything from creel surveys to climate change below. If you’re interested in someone giving a talk to your group, please get in touch!

Frozen Lakes 101: What's happening under the ice?

Phenological whiplash in Midwest US fisheries

Walleye phenology, recruitment, and climate change

Creel World: Wisconsin

Panfish management in Wisconsin

Lake responses to Wisconsin's changing winters

Regional collaborations

We participate in a number of local, regional, and national collaborations to share data and improve management of our aquatic resources. Check them out below!

WICCI logo
Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts

North Temperate Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research Program

MGLP logo
Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership

CreelCat logo
US Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog

Water at UW logo
Water @ UW